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Can financial planners adjust to parents giving kids their inheritance early to buy homes?

Here’s the income you need to afford rent in major Canadian cities

With the average home price in Canada hitting a record $748,450 in January, Canadians in many parts of the country may find the math of buying versus renting makes for a compelling argument in favour of renting. But another part of the renting equation is likely stumping a growing share of tenants: the comparison between market rents and their own incomes.

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Can financial planners adjust to parents giving kids their inheritance early to buy homes?

How to say no to adult children who ask for money

It’s always hard to say ‘no’ to your kids, from when they’re little and want one more bedtime story to when they’re adults looking for help to pay the rent, buy a car or purchase their first home. With less job stability, the rising cost of living and skyrocketing rent and housing prices, it’s no wonder so many millennials and Gen Z adults are turning to the ‘bank of mom and dad’ for financial support.

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Job-hopping your way to better pay

Job-hopping your way to better pay

If your paycheque needs a little oomph, now may be the time to look for a new gig. Changing jobs is always a chance to ratchet up your compensation, but the current labour market may be a historical opportunity to net a big pay bump.

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