Recent Widow

Mature woman

How can financial planning help the recently widowed?

If the deceased partner had primary responsibility for financial matters, the survivor is often at a loss as to how to handle financial decisions optimally on their own.  In such cases, the survivor can be vulnerable to industry forces that may encourage decisions that aren’t in their best interest.

Through comprehensive financial planning, we help clients create a new life plan. By guiding them through this process, we help clients determine which money decisions will support the new vision for their life. Once their new vision is clear, the tactical decisions to reach their goals are much easier to make.

What are the unique needs of the recently widowed?

The emotional state of mind is an important consideration. Having lost her husband prematurely, Caring for Client’s president Rona has some understanding of how that feels. Rona and her team bring that sensitivity to the work that we do with clients. There is uncertainty after the death of a partner; sometimes, just supporting a slow decision-making process is the most valuable action of all.