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Four ways advisors can help business owners transfer their business

Four ways advisors can help business owners transfer their business

“A big part of it is helping clients visualize what’s next,” says Rona Birenbaum, certified financial planner and founder of the Toronto-based fee-only financial planning firm Caring for Clients. “For entrepreneurs, it’s not just their careers, their business is like their baby. There has to be a plan for replacing it.”

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Four ways advisors can help business owners transfer their business

Pro bono financial advice for millennials could produce big payoff

Rona Birenbaum, certified financial planner and founder of Toronto-based fee-only financial planning firm Caring for Clients, has made it a priority to work with several clients of lower net worth – including millennials, many of whom are new to investing and still may carry student debt – on a pro bono basis or at reduced rates.

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