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Should parents pay for their child’s university or college costs?

How to pick the right fee-for-service financial planner

Financial planner Rona Birenbaum is so busy that she’s been turning away an average of two clients a day over the past couple of weeks. “We are slammed right now,” said Ms. Birenbaum, whose Toronto-based firm is called Caring for Clients. “There are more people wanting our services than we have capacity. I have a waiting list of 20 fantastic people.”

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Should parents pay for their child’s university or college costs?

Canadians should be making better use of TFSAs

It’s been a little more than a decade since the former federal Conservative government introduced the tax-free savings account (TFSA) as a financial planning tool to help Canadians increase their net worth. However, recent research shows the TFSA has been used more as a piggy bank than a tax-efficient investment vehicle – and financial advisors believe this is a missed opportunity for investors.

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