by Guest Blogger | Jun 9, 2016 | All About Investing, Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
Guest post by: Jeanette Bicknell, PhD, CMed. She is a professional mediator who helps leaders manage conflict, and helps families communicate more effectively. When Harry met Sally it seemed like their differences complemented one another. He loved it that she was...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Oct 21, 2015 | All About Investing, Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
Recently, the Globe and Mail created a tool for investors to compare if they are paying more or less for advice than other investors who complete the questionnaire do. Fee transparency is important, and it got us thinking that how advisors spend those fees is also...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 6, 2014 | All About Investing, Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
I’ll admit it, when I picked up a copy of Preet Banerjee’s new book, Stop Over-Thinking Your Money, The Five Simple Rules of Financial Success, I immediately flipped to chapter seven. This is the chapter on Financial Advisors and I was very interested in what Preet...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 26, 2013 | We Think You Might Enjoy...
If you are planning a trip to Florida anytime soon, do not pass GO, do not collect $200, but go directly to your local CAA office with $25 and passport photos. A new Florida state law was enacted on January 1, 2013 requiring all international visitors have an...
by YWD Inc. | Dec 10, 2012 | All About Tax, We Think You Might Enjoy...
The spirit of the holiday season inspires charitable giving. Whether it is dropping a few coins in the Salvation Army bucket, helping out at a local food bank, or by donating funds in lieu of gifts, it really is the season of giving. Here at Caring for Clients, in...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Jan 9, 2012 | Cash Flow Concerns, We Think You Might Enjoy...
Effective January 5th, 2012 students in Ontario are getting a financial boost from the provincial government. Students in a university or college degree program will save $1,600, while students in college diploma and certificate programs will save $730. These amounts...