by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Mar 23, 2017 | All About Investing, Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
Typically, severance packages do not include a continuation of disability insurance. This, despite the courts having made clear* that an employer is obligated to continue all benefits during the common law notice period, in the absence of a contract stating otherwise!...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 23, 2017 | All About Investing, Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
Lucky Americans – they pay much lower investment advisory fees than we do in Canada. Or so many people think … but is it true? With the new CRM2 legislation showing investors how much you pay for advice, it’s considerably easier to do a cross-border comparison. Let’s...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 16, 2017 | All About Investing, Cash Flow Concerns, Risk Management, We Think You Might Enjoy...
Bidding wars are a fact of life when waging the buying war for Toronto real estate. Bully offers and condition-free offers seem to be one of the only tickets to a successful bid. Sellers have discovered that a mild staging is sufficient to generate competition for...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 12, 2017 | All About Investing, We Think You Might Enjoy...
I’ve always advised clients to approach financial news as interesting, but not reliable as an investment strategy source. Ben Carlson, author of the A Wealth of Common Sense blog, recently did a great job outlining how to read financial news headlines. I couldn’t...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Nov 12, 2016 | Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
My friend is dying, long before her time. I visited her at the hospital today and the subject of bucket lists came up. She asked me if I had one. I don’t. For a moment I felt guilty about it. For heavens sake, a movie was made about them. Am I disrespecting...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Nov 3, 2016 | Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
You’ve read the articles. Inability to save is like death by a thousand cuts. Cut out the small spends like expensive coffee is a step towards financial security. Yes, I could have made a coffee and bagel for a fraction of what I paid Starbucks for it this...