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Going to Cuba? New Health Insurance Rules
Since May 1, 2010, travellers must present proof of health insurance in order to enter the country. Upon arrival, travellers may be required to present an insurance policy, insurance certificate, or medical assistance card valid for the period of their stay in Cuba.
Skeptical of banks? Here are two reasons why.
A client of mine told me that her banker suggested that she might be able to reduce her account service charges if she switched to a “senior’s account”. My client was skeptical and had no intention to make the change.
My Credit Card
Clients sometimes ask which credit card I use when they are considering the myriad of options.
Saving Money is Simple – Tip #1
Saving money is simple, but not always easy.
How this Financial Planner Gambles
Saving money is simple, but not always easy.
Nagging is part of our job
Some of our clients call us nags and we thank them for the compliment.
B+ on our electricity bill
We just received our first electricity bill featuring the new Time-of-Use rates.
TFSA Tactics – The Debtor’s Error
It’s always exciting when the government delivers a tax saving mechanism to Canadians and one of the most recent tax reducers is the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA).
Is it a business or a hobby?
One of the advantages of starting a home based business is that you can write off a variety of expenses related to the business.