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Water Parks and Investing
I took my daughter to Great Wolf Lodge recently, which is a family resort built around an indoor water park.
Mortgage Insurance – Peace of Mind not Included
It is a well known fact in the insurance industry that bank mortgage life insurance is underwritten at the time of claim.
Choosing your mortgage amortization – 4 common mistakes
For most Canadians, a mortgage is the largest debt they ever take on. Much time and attention is given to negotiating the lowest possible interest rate, but typically much less time is taken determining the optimal amortization period.
How (and Why) to stop Multi-tasking
I multi-task and I know that it interferes with my productivity.
An offer you just can’t refuse?
If you want a financial plan, would you rather deal with a salesperson that offers one for “free” if you bring in your investment statements, or with a professional with no strings attached?
$45.1 Billion Dollars Earning Almost no Return
It amazes me that millions of Canadians have billions of dollars invested in Money Market Funds (MMFs) that are earning no interest for all intents and purposes.
Should you give your child an allowance?
I was having coffee with a friend recently who has three beautiful daughters age 6 and under. She asked me when I began giving my soon-to-be 11 year old daughter Rachel an allowance.
When 6% is better than 6.5%
We ask a lot of questions before developing an investor policy statement for our clients and one of them is about their rate of return expectations.
Going to Cuba? New Health Insurance Rules
Since May 1, 2010, travellers must present proof of health insurance in order to enter the country. Upon arrival, travellers may be required to present an insurance policy, insurance certificate, or medical assistance card valid for the period of their stay in Cuba.