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Save money on tax software

Save money on tax software

TurboTax is finding ways to make tax filing easy and affordable. I just discovered a couple of discounts being offered when using their online tax preparation software.

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CPP now or later?

CPP now or later?

There is no simple answer to this question. Hopefully this outline will help you determine which approach is right for you.

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Why now is the time to pay down debt

Why now is the time to pay down debt

With interest rates at historical lows, the majority of Canadians with mortgages, lines of credit or conventional loans are making the minimum payments required by their bank or credit union.

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The latest on the European fiscal crisis

The latest on the European fiscal crisis

Yesterday, CNBC interviewed the President of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde on Europe’s fiscal problems. You can see the interview here. It is well worth 8 minutes of your time.

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The risks of leveraged investing

The risks of leveraged investing

Every once in a while I come across an investor who was convinced to borrow money and invest the loan proceeds. This was presented to them as a smart way to build their net worth and reduce their tax bill at the same time.

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