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When Should You Take CPP?

When Should You Take CPP?

Canadians are eligible to elect their CPP benefit as early as age 60 and as late as age 70. If you elect your pension prior to age 65, your CPP benefit is reduced by 7.2% per year for each year prior to age 65. If you defer taking CPP after age 65, your benefit is increased by 8.4% per year for each year that you wait beyond age 65.

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RESP Withdrawal Tips

RESP Withdrawal Tips

Congratulations! You’ve been diligently saving in an RESP, and now your child is heading to post-secondary. Here’s what you need to know about withdrawing these funds

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August 6, 2019: Fresh finds of the week

August 6, 2019: Fresh finds of the week

What to do about a falling stock market, social media and the “age of envy”, a sneaky marketing technique to watch out for, and the link between exercise and happiness. This week’s fresh finds.

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