by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 25, 2022 | Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
Are you shocked to know the corvette existed in during WWII? Hold on a second. . . we’re not talking about the Chevy sports car. This corvette is Canada’s oldest surviving warship, the HMCS Sackville. She played a significant role in the Battle of the Atlantic. Today...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 23, 2022 | In the News
Early inheritances and familial gifts are now making up a growing part of Canadian first- time homebuyers’ down payments, as parents dip into their savings and assets to help adult children get into an increasingly out-of-reach housing market. And that is showing up...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 18, 2022 | In the News
Life insurance isn’t usually top of mind for Canadian retirees focused on generating income from their investment portfolios. Yet certain types of life insurance can play an important role in the lives of older Canadians. Full Article >
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Feb 16, 2022 | In the News
With the average home price in Canada hitting a record $748,450 in January, Canadians in many parts of the country may find the math of buying versus renting makes for a compelling argument in favour of renting. But another part of the renting equation is likely...
by Rona Birenbaum BAS CFP®, CHFS | Jan 28, 2022 | Musings, We Think You Might Enjoy...
They’re not made on a pottery wheel, but sure look like they could be. The harsh winds and cold temperatures along the shores of Lake Michigan render these beautifully unique objets d’art. Sadly they disappear as quickly as they are created. From ghost town to tourist...