Are we getting mixed messages? Unemployment is low, yet we still hear there are plenty of jobs to be had. Regardless, this recent graduate’s job search went viral last fall when she presented Nike with a resume cake. Nike didn’t hire her, but she got the attention of many other employers, eventually finding the perfect fit in the job market.
It’s incredible how a simple act to one person, can be monumental to another. This Alabama man paid it forward, anonymously helping those in need for years. It wasn’t until he neared the end of his life that he revealed his secret – and the goodness grew.
Whether you’ve experienced it or just witnessed a loved one go through it, you know that no one likes spending time in a hospital. This children’s hospital is Australia has launched an outdoor physical therapy program where “surf, sun and fresh air” reduce time in the hospital.
The Hudson’s Bay blanket isn’t the only design Canada is known for. Canadians have had a significant impact on the history of design over the years. From clothes to furniture, our creations are featured at the Canadian Modern exhibit at the ROM.
When a four-week-old white lion is rejected by her mother, Cecil steps in to play with her. They are such a cute pair. Awwwwwww.

Rona Birenbaum is a certified Financial Planner and is licensed to do financial planning. Rona is registered through separate organizations for each purpose and as such, you may be dealing with more than one entity depending on the products purchased. Rona is registered through Caring-for-Clients for financial planning services. This website is not meant as a solicitation for financial advisory services. Financial advisory services are available through the facilities of Queensbury Strategies Inc. Financial Planning is not the business of or under the supervision of Queensbury Strategies Inc. and Queensbury will not be liable or responsible for such activities.